
Tourism Smart Data elevates Thai tourism to the digital age

Tourism Smart Data

In the era of the digital economy, where travelers are increasingly using technology, The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has thus kept the system under development. to enable more travelers to swiftly and comfortably obtain travel-related information. Additionally, a project called "Tourism Smart Data Management" has been launched, which is an intelligent database management system for managing tourism data. to properly assess, develop, and expand the business development of the nation. to collaborate on creating a strategic plan for sustainable tourism that can reach target audiences and better serve their requirements.

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TAT has created a five-year digital action plan (2023–2027) to advance digital technology in line with the national policy of making Thailand a "Digital Thailand" by using digital technology to help drive the economy. Tourism collaborates to build an ecosystem that will elevate the Thai tourism industry's supply chain so that it is aware about and able to take advantage of developments in digital technology. utilizing 3D concepts efficiently in commercial processes, including Computer literacy Instruction on modern marketing techniques employing data to aid in analysis and planning. Utilizing technology as a crucial element in business operations increases the level of the Tourism Marketing Academic Development Center (TAT Academy), which helps communities connected to the tourism industry, the business sector, and government organizations strengthen their ability. should be knowledgeable about marketing insights and how to use digital technologies to manage and promote sustainable tourism.

A course on ethical tourist marketing will be made available by the TAT in 2023 via an online learning platform. Additionally, develop brief courses that will be distributed on the Thai MOOC platform in order to assist and promote training sessions and conferences for tour operators. travel agency Additionally, it seeks to create "TAT Review," a scholarly publication on tourism using internet means. It is prepared to serve as a foundation for academic understanding in tourism marketing, business trends, research conditions, and upcoming economic, social, environmental, and technical changes that may have an impact on the tourism industry.

Additionally, TAT has a goal to support Travel Tech and Start Up companies in creating cutting-edge innovations for the tourism sector, such as Smart Map, AI, VI, etc., to improve valuable tourist experiences. This is consistent with TAT's mission to use digital technology as a strategic driver of Thai tourism by developing worthwhile experiences and pursuing sustainability.

willing to assist fundraising efforts to develop novel innovations as a tool to help drive tourism marketing operations. In order to effectively utilize digital technology, TAT is prepared to support data by creating an information system that is (data digitizing) both for internal use. and details that will be communicated to outside organizations. leading to the connection and exchange of information (data sharing), as well as the development of operational procedures that employ digital technology as the primary mechanism for the operation (digitized process), emphasizing the significance of using data to spur innovation offering information.

Additionally, there are strategies to improve the tourism sector. by forming a subsidiary to assist with and advertise tourism marketing initiatives using digital technology. empowering business owners to hasten adaptation, get ready for acceptance, and boost the chance of applying innovation. to increase operational efficiency for the entire tourism development ecosystem, including the creation of tokens that may be utilized as discounts for travel-related services including lodging, dining, and attractions. uses contemporary marketing to promote tourism. Additionally, there are plans to form a working group involving start-ups, educational institutions, communities, and organizations from all sectors. to collaborate in advancing and modernizing the tourist sector for the digital era.

The TAT Action Plan's strategies are broken out into three categories:

  • Developing digital marketing tools is strategy 1. must provide value and memorable travel experiences in order to become more competitive.
  • Developing and promoting the use of infrastructure, information systems, and tourism marketing data is strategy number two. to satisfy stakeholders' needs
  • The third strategy is to improve digital management so that it can function as a high-performance organization with sound governance.

Additionally, there are plans to broaden the scope of information security management in compliance with the international standard ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 Information Security Management System (ISMS). to manage a variety of data and more operating systems ready to manage the information security of the firm by conducting a vulnerability inspection in accordance with the CyberSecurity Act 2019.

The aforementioned policies and strategies for digital research and development play a role in aiding TAT in creating plans for the development of digital technologies. prepared to operate the TAT being a High Performance Organization (HPO) in order to realize TAT's objective as the driving force behind Thailand's tourism strategy to produce worthwhile experiences while pursuing sustainability

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Navigating daily commutes in Thailand can be a significant drain on one's energy and a major obstacle in everyday life. This is due to the limited availability of public transportation options, especially in non-urban areas. Finding reliable and timely public transportation can be challenging, leading to frustration, wasted time, and even safety concerns. To address these issues and provide convenience for their employees, many organizations are offering employee shuttle services. These services not only improve employee morale and motivation but also contribute to a more productive and engaged workforce. In this article, we will explore the compelling reasons why organizations should consider implementing employee shuttle services, along with the steps and considerations involved in establishing a professional and effective shuttle program.